Moving In and Out of Residence
Important dates for 2024–25
Winter 2025
January 4, 2025: Winter semester new resident move-in day
January 5, 2025: Residence winter break closure ends; Residents returning from Winter Break
March 1, 2025: Applications for late move-out are available
April 1, 2025: Applications for late move-out are due
April 18, 2025: Academic year and winter semester move-out day
Important dates for 2025–26
*Please note these dates are subject to change upon the release of Sheridan’s upcoming 2025–2026 Academic Calendar.
Summer 2025
May 3, 2025: Summer semester move-in day
August 16, 2025: Summer semester move-out day
Fall 2025
August 30, 2025: Academic year move-in day
November 1, 2025: Winter break extension requests are available
December 1, 2025: Winter break extension requests are due
December 13, 2025: Residence winter break closure begins
Winter 2026
January 3, 2026: Winter semester new resident move-in day
January 4, 2026: Residence winter break closure ends; Residents returning from Winter Break
March 1, 2026: Applications for late move-out are available
April 1, 2026: Applications for late move-out are due
April 18, 2026: Academic year and winter semester move-out day
Moving into Sheridan Residence
Move-in day information for the academic year will be sent to all accepted students by August 15. This will include the move in date(s), hours, schedule, and logistics behind moving into residence. A map of the campus will also be provided to help you get around and get you into your residence room smoothly.
Community meetings will be held on every floor as well by the Resident Advisors (RAs) of each floor. The community meetings provide important information to all students regarding living in residence, and it is also a great chance for each student to meet their floor mates.
How to prepare for move-in day
Move-in day is very busy!
We do all that we can to ensure a quick and smooth move in process for all students, and we recommend the following when preparing for move in to help students get into their rooms as seamlessly as possible!
- When packing, use the Move-in Checklist as a packing guide – we’ve compiled a list of the essentials for you!
- Pack using plastic storage bins with lids (not boxes/open containers) - these are a great way to store items in your room and the perfect way to move into residence. Plastic bins have handles, and this will make moving your belongings easier as we do use the stairwells on move in day!
- Clearly label each of your bins with your first and last name - it is also helpful if your number your bins, this way you can unpack with ease and ensure nothing is missed!
- Dress for the occasion – we promise you will have time to show off your new school clothes once classes begin, however on move in day we recommend running/closed toed shoes, and comfortable shorts/pants/t-shirts - trust us!
- Do not bring U-Hauls & Trailers on Move In day – we ask that students refrain from the use of these large vehicles on move-in day. They very hard to maneuver through the busy traffic loop, and the essentials you will need in residence will fit into a standard sized car – we promise!
- Bring only the essentials on Move in day – It’s very busy on move in day and it’s very hot in August. If you plan to go home for the October long weekend, this is a great time to bring some items you did not bring on move in day back to residence, to make move in day go as smoothly and quickly as it can for you!
- Don't bring furniture items - Residence offers all the comforts of home, all you need to do is decorate your room with accessories to bring out your personality, and furniture is much too hard to move in with the hustle and bustle of move in day!
- Don’t buy everything in advance – we suggest that you wait to purchase certain non-essential items to bring until you’ve spoken with your roommate, and also see what is needed in the suite.
- “E-Bikes” and “E-Scooters” should not be brought to residence and are not permitted to be stored or charged in your residence suite.
Moving out of Sheridan Residence
All students are expected to leave the residence 24 hours after their final exam/project OR by 11am on the last Saturday of the semester, whichever comes first. Specific move out dates and instructions will be communicated to residents well in advance of the residence move out days.
Students that require accommodations past the last Saturday of the semester and would like to request an extended stay must complete a Move Out Late Request Form (also available at the residence front desk). Please be advised that all requests are not guaranteed and must be approved by Management and are subject to an additional fee.
After Move Out, all suites will be inspected for damages and cleanliness. Please see the Move-Out Checklist for details on how to ensure there will be no additional charges.
Residence winter break closure
Sheridan residences close for the 2–3 week period while classes are not in session between the fall and winter semesters.
Deadline to leave residence for the holidays
You're not required to remove your belongings from your suite during the closure, but you are expected to vacate your room and head home for the holidays 24 hours after your final exam/project OR by 11 a.m. on the last Saturday of the fall semester. Specific dates and instructions will be communicated to you well in advance of the winter break closure.
Winter break inspection
During the winter break closure, all suites will be inspected by residence staff. A Winter Break Checklist will be posted in the residence lobby throughout the month of December for details on how to prepare your suite.
Remaining in residence over winter break
If you require accommodations over the winter break and would like to request an extended stay, you must complete an extension request form (available at the residence front desk) and submit it no later than December 1. Please be aware that requests are not guaranteed to be approved. Requests must be approved by residence management and are subject to an additional fee.