Early Childhood Centres
Oakville Sheridan College Child Care Centre (Trafalgar Campus)
Schedule of Service
The Oakville Sheridan College Child Care Centre is open from 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m., Monday–Friday, 12 months a year. The centre is closed for Civic/Statutory holidays, 2 professional development days each year, and for approximately 1 week during the December holiday season (reflective of Sheridan College holiday closure).
Toddler Room
- 10 children: 2 RECEs
- Ages 18 months to 2 years 6 months
Junior Preschool Room
- 16 children: 2 RECEs
- Ages 2 years 6 months to 3 years 8 months
Senior Preschool Room
- 16 children: 2 RECEs
- Ages 2 years 6 months to 4 years 8 months
Please note: Based on the ages of the children enrolled, the centre’s Senior Preschool program may reflect a Kindergarten program for 20 children, ages 35 months to 5 years.
Child Care Base Fees/Fee Subsidy (no non-base fees charged)
- Toddler (18 months – 2½ years)
$1,414/month – CWELCC fee reduction = $478.50 ($22/day) - Preschool (2½ – 4 years)
$1,212/month – CWELCC fee reduction = $478.50 ($22/day)
Our child care centre is a non-profit organization funded in part by parent fees. Inquiries about fee subsidy may be directed to:
- Region of Halton, Children’s Services at 905-825-6000 or through the Region of Halton's website
Participation in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)
Sheridan Early Childhood Centres are participants in the CWELCC program, a country-wide system aimed at giving families access to more affordable and high-quality child care options, helping lower child care fees for parents of children under the age of six, and increasing child care spaces. You will be provided with information regarding fee reductions as it is provided to the centres by the government.
For more information regarding CWELCC, visit the Government of Ontario website: Canada-Ontario early years and child care agreement.
Contact the Oakville Sheridan College Child Care Centre
Kathleen Currie, Supervisor, Sheridan ECE Centres
Phone: 905-845-9430, x2398 or 4033
Email: kathleen.currie@sheridancollege.ca
Oakville Sheridan College Child Care Centre (Trafalgar Campus)
1430 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1 -
Mississauga Civic Centre Child Care Centre
Schedule of Service
The Mississauga Civic Centre Child Care Centre is open from 8 a.m.–6 p.m., Monday–Friday, 12 months a year. The centre is closed for Civic/Statutory holidays, 2 professional development days each year, and for approximately 1 week during the December holiday season (reflective of Sheridan College holiday closure).
Toddler Room
- 10 children, aged 18 months to 2 years 6 months: 2 RECEs
Junior Preschool Room
- 16 children, aged 2 years 6 months to 3 years 6 months: 2 RECEs
Senior Preschool Room
- 16 children, aged 3 to 4 years: 2 RECEs
Please note, based on the ages of the children enrolled, the centre’s alternate age groups consist of 1 Toddler Room, 1 Preschool Room and 1 Kindergarten Room (20 children, aged 3 years 8 months to 5 years: 2 RECEs).
Child Care Base Fees/Fee Subsidy (no non-base fees charged)
- Toddler (18 months – 2½ years)
$1,414/month – CWELCC fee reduction = $478.50 ($22/day) - Preschool (2½ – 4 years)
$1,212/month – CWELCC fee reduction = $478.50 ($22/day)
Our child care centre is a non-profit organization funded in part by parent fees. Inquiries about fee subsidy may be directed to:
- Region of Peel, Children’s Services Department at 905-791-1585 or through the Region of Peel's website
Participation in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)
Sheridan Early Childhood Centres are participants in the CWELCC program, a country-wide system aimed at giving families access to more affordable and high-quality child care options, helping lower child care fees for parents of children under the age of six, and increasing child care spaces. You will be provided with information regarding fee reductions as it is provided to the centres by the government.
For more information regarding CWELCC, visit the Government of Ontario website: Canada-Ontario early years and child care agreement.
Contact the Mississauga Civic Centre Child Care Centre
Dona Carlucci, Supervisor, Sheridan ECE Centres
Phone: 905-896-5633
Email: dona.carlucci@sheridancollege.ca
Mississauga Civic Centre Child Care Centre
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C1
(entrance on Living Arts Drive)
Program Statement
“Every child care centre must have a program statement that is consistent with the Minister of Education’s policy statement. The Minister’s policy statement names "How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years" as the document to be used for the purpose of guiding programming and pedagogy in licensed child care programs.” (Ontario Early Years Portal)
The Oakville Sheridan College Child Care Centre and the Mississauga Civic Centre Child Care Centre, operated by Sheridan College, provide high-quality programming based on the emergent, play-based philosophy of education. This curriculum is based on the well-documented research of recognized theorists (i.e. Piaget and Erikson). Children are seen as “Active Learners” who, supported by their educators, develop new understandings through active exploration of materials, ideas, and events. Focusing on the process of learning, we feel that the children benefit from being able to make their own choices, experiment with a variety of materials, work through problems, and enjoy learning new knowledge/skills.
Our program provides a holistic curriculum which allows for the optimal growth of children in all areas including social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. The children are supported in a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment that promotes self-esteem and self-confidence and provides ongoing opportunities for decision-making and problem solving. Our program reflects the view of children as “competent, capable, curious and rich in potential” (Ontario Ministry of Education - How Does Learning Happen?). The children are encouraged to pursue their personal interests and goals (Plan), to choose and experiment with materials individually and with play partners (Do), and to talk about their experiences with other children and their educators (Recall).
Our program demonstrates a respect for diversity, equity and inclusion, fostering recognition of similarities and respect for differences by providing the opportunity for all children to participate. Our program enhances each child’s growth and development through the exposure to a variety of learning experiences. Our curriculum takes into consideration the differing stages of childhood development, recognizing that each child is an individual, with unique strengths and abilities. Each child is encouraged and supported in reaching their goals/milestones in their own way and at their own pace. When appropriate, the children, families, and staff are supported by specially trained resource consultants that may be funded by local agencies (i.e. THRC). Diverse family styles, as well as languages, cultures, and traditions are valued, celebrated and reflected throughout the curriculum; in displays and photographs, learning materials and activities, communication strategies, and daily meals.
Consistent with How Does Learning Happen? (2014), it is our goal that every child in our program:
- Has a sense of belonging when he/she is connected to others and contributed to the world;
- Is developing a sense of self, health, and well-being;
- Is an active and engaged learner who explores the world with body, mind, and senses; and
- Is a capable communicator who expresses him/herself in many ways.
Staff and Student-Educators
Our classrooms are fully staffed by Registered Early Childhood Educators surpassing the Ministry of Education staffing regulations. All centre staff are certified in Standard First Aid, including infant and child CPR. In addition, staff participate in various ongoing professional development activities that promote lifelong learning and reflective practice.
The child care centre is a demonstration site for students from Sheridan’s ECE program. Student-educators are involved in the classrooms on a daily basis and support the RECEs in providing an enriching learning environment. Student-educators (and volunteers) are used to enhance our program, but are not counted in staffing ratios or left alone with the children.
Health and Nutrition
Our program adheres to all health and safety requirements as dictated by the Ministry of Education, Halton Public Health and other regional government bylaws (i.e. building code, fire code, safe drinking water, etc.). All inspection reports, as well as the centre’s health and safety related policies (i.e. Anaphylaxis, Medication Administration, etc.) are posted on our Information Board. Centre staff implement health and sanitary practices which help to reduce the spread of bacteria, supporting a hygienic, safe and healthy environment for the children.
Proper nutrition is crucial to children’s healthy growth and development. Our children are served well-balanced mid-day meals and morning and afternoon snacks that are prepared on the premises. Our seasonal, culturally diverse menus have been approved by a registered dietician and reflect the Canada Food Guide recommendations for proper serving portions. Our centre is a Nut-Free Zone and all meals respect the children’s individual allergies and the families’ preferences, with alternates provided as appropriate. Because of the increasing number of severe food allergies, parents are asked to ensure that children do not bring food to the centre in pockets or backpacks, as this may compromise the health and safety of other children.
The indoor learning environment is designed to engage children in active, creative, and meaningful exploration and play, in a space that is warm, welcoming and comfortable. Not only does it help to organize and educate, but also to promote relationships and to mirror the ideas, values, and cultures of all those who use the space. It provokes curiosity and learning, and encourages interaction in all classroom areas: Art Area, Block Area, Sand and Water Area, Book Area, Toy Area, Music Area and Home Area. The RECEs set up the environment with safe, child-sized furniture, as well as developmentally appropriate and open-ended materials that reflect the interests of the children, and acknowledge and promote important family and community events.
Through daily observations and conversations with the children and families, the RECEs plan and implement meaningful activities that are child-initiated, child-centred and child-directed. Daily learning experiences include Large Group, Small Group, Planning, Work Time, and Recall, during which the RECEs act as role models, guides and play partners to support the children’s development in the following content areas:
- Approaches to Learning
- Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development and Health
- Language, Literacy, and Communication
- Mathematics
- Creative Arts
- Science and Technology
- Social Studies
Outdoor play is a very important component of a quality child care program as it allows for gross motor development and gives children a degree of expressive freedom not possible indoors. It satisfies the child’s physical need for large muscle activity, as well as encourages exploration and appreciation of the natural surroundings. Outdoor play is an extension of our indoor program.
Daily routines for dressing, washroom, lunch/snacks, and rest times foster independence and self-help skills, with the supportive care of the educators.
Community outings are an integral part of our program and are chosen to enhance and expand on the classroom experiences. At our Oakville child-care centre, they include visits to the library, the Art Gallery and college events. At our Mississauga child-care centre, they include visits to the library, the Art Gallery, Celebration Square, and local farmers’ markets and festivals.
Behaviour Guidance
Our program is designed to encourage children to play, learn, and socialize. They learn to work together to build ideas and solve problems. We guide and assist each child to feel competent in their abilities and also help them to learn social skills that enhance their self-esteem so they feel competent and secure. We also facilitate the development of self-regulation skills, supporting the children in their ability to remain or return to a state of calm when dealing with emotional stressors.
We encourage children to express their thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and also help to guide their behaviour through limits and consequences. Limits provide the boundaries for children’s behaviour and safety, and are relevant, realistic, and developmentally appropriate. Consequences, such as redirection, are the end result of a child’s behaviour that is not socially acceptable.
In our program children are taught to resolve conflicts in a positive way using the 6 steps to conflict resolution. Our staff are monitored regularly to ensure children are always treated respectfully in a supportive way.
6 Steps to Conflict Resolution
- Approach calmly, stopping any hurtful actions.
- Acknowledge children's feelings.
- Gather information.
- Restate the problem.
- Ask for solutions and choose one together.
- Be prepared to give follow-up support.
Prohibited Practices
- corporal punishment of a child;
- deliberate use of harsh or degrading measures on a child that would humiliate the child or undermine his/her self-respect;
- depriving a child of basic needs including food, shelter, clothing or bedding;
- locking the exits of the child care centre for the purpose of confining a child; or
- using a locked or lockable room or structure to confine a child.
Parent and Community Involvement
We truly value our partnerships with our families, as they are the foundation of the children’s early growth and development. We strive to provide systems of communication that will ensure parent-to-staff contact and facilitate response to diverse family needs. We utilize a number of communication strategies to provide parents with information about their child’s learning and other activities each day, such as the Parent Information Board, Classroom Message Boards, Daily Communication Reports, etc. In addition to this daily communication, newsletters, formal meetings, educational and social events, and centre visits are offered on a regular basis. A Parent Advisory Committee consisting of representatives from our parent group and centre staff meets throughout the year to discuss various centre-related issues. Parent representatives bring suggestions and comments to the committee from other parents at the centre. There are specific opportunities each year for parents to provide a brief evaluation of the centre and program. Comments and suggestions, however, are welcomed anytime throughout the year.
We also appreciate our relationships with our many community partners, who provide us with valuable resources, and ongoing professional education and networking opportunities. We thank Sheridan College, the Ministry of Education, the Region of Halton, the Halton Resource Connection, the City of Mississauga, the Region of Peel, the Child Development Resource Connection Peel, and Peel Inclusion Resource Services (PIRS) for their support in providing quality early learning and care.
Consistent with How Does Learning Happen? (2014), documentation is utilized in our program as:
- A process for educators to co-plan with children and with families;
- A way to value children’s experiences and include their perspectives;
- A way to make children’s learning and understanding of the world around them visible to the children themselves, as well as their families;
- A way to reflect on the children’s development, as well as the growth of the program over time.
The educators write daily anecdotal messages from their observations of and conversations with the children. The anecdotes are objective statements that answer Who, What, Where, When, How questions: Who is child? What is the child doing/saying? Where is the child working? At what time in the daily schedule is it? How is the child using the materials/interacting with others? This information enables the educators to plan daily experiences that reflect the interests of the children, as well as important family and community events. The educators capture the program’s daily experiences using tablets and associated documentation applications. The educators photograph the children and their describe work, as well as the knowledge/skills that are being developed each and every day. These experiences are presented in the form of message boards, learning stories, and photograph displays, making learning visible to the children, families and visitors.
Quality Initiatives
The Oakville Sheridan Child Care Centre is a participant in the “Quality First” quality initiative.
The Mississauga Civic Centre Child Care Centre is a participant in the “Raising the Bar in Peel” quality initiative.