Nellie V Groenenberg
Nellie V Groenenberg
Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies
Teaching & Research Interests
Nellie Groenenberg is the Professor and Coordinator with the Social Service Worker Gerontology Program. Nellie has been working in the field of Social Work for the past twenty years in various settings including: settlement house, counselling agencies and Long Term Care facilities. Her most recent publications include: Mostly White, Christian, and Straight: Informational and Institutional Erasure of LGBTQ and Ethnoculturally Diverse Older Adults on Long-Term Care Homes Websites and the Hindi Dementia Toolkit: both co-written with Dr. Ferzana Chaze. Her other research interests have focused on the use of expressive arts with persons living with dementia. She has also developed tools to work with ambiguous loss and elder abuse. Ms. Groenenberg has presented at the Ontario Gerontology Association and the Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health, Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the international conference of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
Ms. Groenenberg's greatest passion come to life in her teaching and mentoring of students.
Teaching Interests
- Gerontology and Social Service Work
Research Interests
- Equity and Inclusion