Assess Yourself
What Are Your Work Preferences?
It's difficult to decide where to go if you don't know where you are at. Use these resources to learn more about yourself so you're in a better position to evaluate which career options might be best suited to you.
Most websites listed below require registration but the assessments are free and without obligation.
Resource | What is it? | What Can You Learn About Yourself? |
Part of Service Canada site, quiz results are linked to career dictionary. Once you have logged in, look for Career Navigator in left-side menu. |
Canadian site with information profiles on hundreds of careers, as well as several self-assessment tools available under the Assessments button on the upper menu bar. |
Matchmaker gets you to rate various interests then presents a list of possible careers to explore. Complete the My Skills assessment to rate your skill potential and see how it applies to your careers of interest. |
Part of a long-standing research study to help you understand your career decision-making style, and how it may help or hinder. |
Results may identify possible internal and external obstacles to career decision-making (e.g., motivation, beliefs, information, conflicts, etc.). |
Website dedicated to products and services related to understanding and assessing personality temperament. At its core, temperament theory draws on the work of Carl Jung, as do True Colors® and Personality Dimensions®. |
Website dedicated to self-assessment and its application in career planning. May be used on its own or in conjunction with guidance from your Counsellor. |
TypeFocus assesses personality type (introvert-extrovert, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, judging-perceiving) and interests (Holland code), as well as some limited perspective on work values. |
Part of Service Canada site, the blueprint helps you discover the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to effectively design and manage your life, work and career. |
The "soft skills" you need to enter, stay in, and progress in the world of work... can also be applied and used beyond the workplace in a range of daily activities. |
Part of an ongoing Penn State University study on positive psychology and happiness. |
In addition to Career QuickTips, you may also want to:
- Use our Idea Generator, a brief quiz to ask about your career preferences then tallies up your interest codes and lists Sheridan programs which reflect them.
- look up the typical occupational outcomes and labour market conditions for the career field(s) that each Sheridan program can lead to.
- Work through our Career Planning Micro-Course, a self-directed course to walk you through the process in detail, includes downloadable modules and videos.
Links on this page were checked and verified: September 2015. Report a broken link or suggest a better one.
Notice to Users: This page has been developed by a Career Counsellor to offer self-directed resources but it is not intended to provide comprehensive advice, or to replace professional guidance.