Teaching & Research Interests
Noel Quinn has been studying and researching aquatic and wetland species throughout his undergraduate and graduate career. His PhD area is Integrative Biology, which incorporates an interdisciplinary approach utilizing areas of physics and chemistry to answer biological/ecological questions, namely the role of the physical environment in facilitating the spread of invasive species in the Great Lakes.
- BSc. (Guelph)
- MSc. (Waterloo)
- PhD. (Guelph)
- Quinn, N. and T. Hayes. “The Science of Stress: The Roles of Behaviour, Social Interactions, and Physiology.” Social and Behavioural Science. P. Angelini and J. Pulis. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., 2017.
- Hayes, T. and N. Quinn. “Making Healthy Life Choices: Diet, Fitness, and Recreation.” Social and Behavioural Science. P. Angelini and J. Pulis. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., 2017.
- Hayes, T. and N. Quinn. “From Shark Fins to Emission Targets: Politics, Culture, and the Environment.” Global Issues: Perspectives and Controversies. 2nd Edition. Paul Angelini. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., 2016. 55-79.
- Quinn, N. and T. Hayes. “Science and Ethics: Discovery and Controversy.” Global Issues: Perspectives and Controversies. Paul Angelini. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., 2015. 33-54.
- Hayes, T. and N. Quinn. “Global Environmental Issues: A Question of Survival.” Global Issues: Perspectives and Controversies. Paul Angelini. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., 2015. 55-75.
- Quinn, N.P. and J.D. Ackerman. The effect of bottom roughness on scalar transport in aquatic ecosystems: Implications for reproduction and recruitment in the benthos. Journal of Theoretical Biology 369: 59-66.
- Quinn, N.P. and J.D. Ackerman. Effects of near-bed turbulence on the suspension and settlement of freshwater dreissenid mussel larvae. Freshwater Biology 59: 614-629.
- Quinn, N.P. and J.D. Ackerman. 2012. Biological and ecological mechanisms for overcoming sperm limitation in invasive dreissenid mussels. Aquatic Science 74: 415-425.
- Quinn, N.P. and J.D. Ackerman. 2011. The effect of near-bed turbulence on the external fertilization of broadcast spawning bivalves. Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments 1: 176-193.
- Warner, B.G., T. Asada, and N. Quinn. 2007. Seasonal differences in the ecology of testate amoebae (Protozoa) in a small Sphagnum peatland in Southern Ontario. Microbial Ecology 54: 91-100.
Research Interests
- Aquatic/wetland ecology
- Invasive species
- Physical ecology