Visitor Parking
If you're a Sheridan student or employee, please visit Sheridan Central for information about parking fees, permits, accessible parking and more.
Campus Maps
Where can I park with a visitor permit?
- Trafalgar Road Campus (Oakville): Visitors may park in Lot 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.
- Davis Campus (Brampton): Visitors may park in Lot 1, 3, 5, or 6.
- Hazel McCallion Campus (Mississauga): Visitors may park in the municipal lots behind HMC A and B buildings.
Where can I pay for parking?
- Trafalgar Road Campus (Oakville) and Davis Campus (Brampton): payment for parking at the Davis and Trafalgar Campuses can be made through the pay station or the ParkedIn mobile app. Pay station tower locations are included in the campus maps.
- Hazel McCallion Campus (Mississauga): Pay stations are available in the municipal parking lots behind HMC A and B buildings. View the City of Mississauga's permit and hourly rates.
‘Pay-by-plate’ parking kiosks
Visitors to Sheridan's Trafalgar Road Campus (Oakville) or Davis Campus (Brampton) can pay for hourly, daily or evening parking with coins or credit cards at the blue ‘pay-by-plate’ kiosks, located near main entrances. There's no need to display a paper receipt on your dashboard. Ensure that the correct license plate is entered in the pay station.
Fees are $1.75 per 1/2 hour to a max. $12/day and max. $6 for evening parking (from 3 p.m.–1 a.m.).
ParkedIn app (Pay-by-phone)
Hourly and daily parking fees can be paid from the convenience of your smartphone via the ParkedIn app. This app offers a user-friendly interface for a seamless payment experience. Download the ParkedIn mobile app via the Google Store or the App Store.
Buy a parking permit in advance
Visitor permits can also be purchased in advance through epark.sheridancollege.ca.
Weekend parking
Weekend parking will continue to be complimentary at Trafalgar Campus and Davis Campus, with limited availability in some lots due to courses and events.
Contractor parking
Paid parking for contractors is in effect and fully enforced at Sheridan’s Trafalgar Campus in Oakville and Davis Campus in Brampton.
Designated contractor parking spaces are available for commercial vehicles at the Davis Campus and Trafalgar Campus. Payment is still required for marked or unmarked contractor vehicles.
Multi-day, semester, and annual parking permits validated at one campus are transferrable to another. Please contact Parking Services (parking@sheridancollege.ca) to request a transfer.
Contractors may park in any regular parking space in addition to the designated contractor spaces. Contractors are not permitted to park in reserved (signed) spaces including ‘Preferred Parking’ spaces, Carpool-designated spaces, short-term parking spaces, any other signed parking space, the visitor parking lot, fire routes, roadways or other non-parking areas.
Inquiries may be directed to parking@sheridancollege.ca.