Stay Connected - Graduated Students Flying Caps

Rosana Filipe

Rosana Filipe

Pilon School of Business

Degree: Human Resource Management

Year of graduation: 2008

Leadership Lessons

Rosana Filipe is a Human Resources Manager for Traffikgroup an integrated advertising agency in Toronto. Before joining Traffikgroup in late 2010, she held HR positions in a software and a construction supply company.

Do you have a particularly memorable job or volunteer experience so far?

My most memorable volunteer experience was working in Tanzania for Youth Challenge International. I was there for three months between my 2nd and 3rd year of college working on an Income Generation Project with people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as with a local women’s empowerment group. A deeply powerful and moving experience, it has shaped the way I live my life and conduct myself forever.

Where did you grow up and what brought you to Sheridan?

I grew up in small town called Vanderhoof in Northern BC. I moved to Edmonton when I was in high school to attend the Victoria School For Performing Arts. Although I enjoyed Edmonton, I had no direct family there and was longing for more than mac 'n cheese on the holidays. I have extended family in Ontario, so I landed here about six years ago. And I've never looked back - Toronto is my home now. I chose Sheridan because of their reputation in the industry. As a new Ontarian, I asked around about business schools and Sheridan’s name came up over and over again.

Why did you decide to focus on the human resources area?

After high school, I worked for a few years to really decide on what to pursue. I had various jobs, from bank teller, to retail management, to teaching in modeling/acting agencies. I found that I liked general people management: interviewing, training, coaching and motivating. Add all of these things together (plus a whole lot more), and you have HR.

You were deeply involved in the Sheridan Student Union. What are your best memories of that time?

I worked for the Student Union from the first week I started at Sheridan, and what an impact it had on my life! I began as a street team member, moved in to the role of Director of Student Awareness, and then became of Vice President of the Davis Campus. I loved being an advocate for the students but my most memorable experience took place when I was the Director of Awareness. I led various charitable campaigns and generally created fun ways to get important messages out to the students. I truly believe that my involvement with the Student Union helped me to get to where I am today, both by teaching me how to handle myself in a variety of business situations, but also by giving me confidence in my own decisions and abilities.

Which faculty members had the most influence on you and why?

Although each of my instructors had a significant impact on me, Lori Prsa, Leeann Henry, and Joanne Royce. These women are not only knowledgeable professionals and a strong support system, they displayed the best kind of leadership: leading by example. I would often run into these three, at HR professional development or campus events, directly displaying the skills that it takes to get noticed in our world, and offering me tips on how I could do it.

What was the most important lesson you learned at Sheridan?

My most important lesson was learning how to be a leader. There were so many opportunities for me to step up and lead, to speak in front of the group or to project-manage, that it was hard not to learn to lead. With faculty support, I was able to hone the valuable skills that I am using every day in my management role. So get involved! The amount that I learned outside of the classroom and the networking that I did subsequently, gave me an invaluable amount of knowledge and led to my current success. As a new graduate, with little direct experience, I relied heavily on campus examples of involvement, and experiences in my volunteer work to demonstrate the skills that I could bring to the table for potential employers. Armed with this competitive advantage, I literally networked myself into all three of the roles that I have held in my field.
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