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Linda Ford

Linda Ford

Pilon School of Business

Degree: Business Administration

Year of graduation: 1982

Community Support

During my time at Sheridan I had the time of my life — it is only in looking back that I can see just exactly how great it was. At the time I just knew I was having fun!

I immersed myself in the Sheridan culture getting involved in everything I could. I played intramural sports, I held many positions on Student Government including Vice President and I attended, if not ran, most of the social functions. I helped start the first ever Sheridan Art Exposition to profile the wonderful Illustration artists at Sheridan and somewhere in there I remember some really great car rallies. By the way, I did study too.

Business was very male dominated back then so we had a class of 40 or so big brothers looking out for the few gals that were there at the time. I wouldn’t have traded it for the world. Sheridan set a foundation for me to take along during my career path and now as a business owner.

The other thing that came from being at Sheridan was long lasting friendships. It was during my time at Sheridan that I met Lori Robinson (née Wright). We spent a lot of time together at Sheridan and have remained best friends ever since. In 2000, Lori and I opened our own executive search and recruiting, and HR services company, Access Career Solutions Inc. and have worked very hard to build a highly regarded firm in a very competitive industry. In 2004, we launched our second entrepreneurial venture with Temporary Measures Inc. to meet our client demands on more flexible and entry-level staffing needs.

The success of our organizations are attributed to setting high standards for customer service and developing strong internal staffing teams dedicated to working with clients to build the calibre of their teams. At Access Career Solutions Inc., our corporate responsibility is to make our life and work communities a better place than when we found it.

Over the years I have been a very active member of my business community. On July 1, 2007 I became President of The Brampton Board of Trade. I am only the third woman in 126 years to take on this role. I also just finished a two-year term as the President of (BPW Brampton) Business and Professional Women’s Association, which is a group that promotes advocacy and equality for women working toward improving the status of women in social, economic, political and employment areas.

Participating within the Brampton community is very important to me. I believe that it is very important to actively work towards building a positive social and economic environment that is going to contribute to the overall success of the communities where I work.

Current Occupation: President, Access Career Solutions Inc.
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