Jessica Berg
Pilon School of Business
Degree: Marketing Management
Year of graduation: 2007
Internship Advantage
Jessica Berg is a Marketing Manager for the Windows Group at Microsoft Canada. She manages product websites, online purchase engines and social media strategies. Jessica is also a member of Sheridan’s Marketing Management Program Advisory Committee.
Have you been with Microsoft since graduation?
I began my internship at Microsoft Canada two days after I wrote my final exam at Sheridan and have been with the company ever since. In the past two and a half years I have worked as a Marketing Associate, Product Manager and now Marketing Manager. I have been in three roles and three divisions since Spring 2007 and it has been a fantastic journey.
Why did you chose Sheridan?
Sheridan had exactly what I was looking for: a holistic and comprehensive marketing management program, a great reputation and a co-op program that I knew could help launch my career.
Was there a faculty member who had a particularly strong impact on you?
Doug Greenwood came into class every day with passion and charisma that we all respected and admired. He had an incredible ability to motivate us all to become better students. Jim Deakin was another fantastic teacher. His humour was accompanied by a wealth of knowledge and valuable advice.
What advice you would you give a Sheridan student or new graduate?
1. Do your very best in school. Retain everything you can because that knowledge WILL be important in your career.
2. If a co-op option is offered for your program, sign up. It is the best way to get your foot in the door and gain experience.
3. Make contacts and friends in your program. You will run into these people often in the future.
4. Continue to read books and other resources related to your field of study or work. Our world is evolving every day, definitions are changing and best practices are being replaced, so you need to keep up.