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Chris Galante

Chris Galante

Pilon School of Business

Degree: Business Administration - Marketing

Year of graduation: 1984

Giving Back

Chris is the owner of Bass Paper & Packing Ltd, a distributor offering a single source solution for a variety of industry products. These include supplies for packaging and shipping, health and safety, office, retail and food service among others.

Before enrolling at Sheridan for Business, Chris worked as a steel company labourer for two years. He started Sheridan with no knowledge of business. No one in his family had a business background. While in the Marketing program, he developed an overview of business.

After graduating in 1984, he got a job with Bass Paper & Packaging Ltd. as the company’s first employee. In 1991, just seven years later, he bought the company. He never looked back. Having lived in a blue-collar environment, and being the family’s first postsecondary graduate, becoming the owner of a multimillion-dollar organization was a dream come true. The company has won a number of prestigious awards.

Chris credits Sheridan Business with changing his life.

Without Sheridan Business, I would not be where I am today. As President & CEO and owner of the business, I understand creative ways to market a product, educate sales people and build territories. I use accounting, finance, statistics and human resource skills to manage my business. Sheridan Business gave me those skills. Over the years I have hired six Sheridan graduates. I have returned to Sheridan to speak to the Business students. Sheridan Business gave me the knowledge and the self-confidence to become successful. I will always remain a part of Sheridan Business.

Chris has also been selected as one of the 2007 Hall of Fame Inductees for the Sheridan School of Business. He says that Professor Dave Tinker was a faculty member who had a positive impact on him during his time at Sheridan.

I remember Dave Tinker as a Prof who really cared about his student’s well being. Whenever Dave could, he would mingle amongst the Business students in the study areas in order to get to know them better. He always made sure things were going well with the students and would always pass along information regarding employment opportunities… He truly had the student’s best interest at heart.

Dave always enjoyed playing hockey. Every year he would organize one of the intramural hockey teams. Everyone in the Business program wanted to be on Dave’s team. I’m not sure if it was so they did not have to feel the wrath of his Gordie Howe ‘Mr. Elbows’ style of play or to get those higher marks. If memory serves me correctly, his teammates always had the highest grades in his class. Either way, he always seemed to have the stacked team in the league.

Current Occupation: President & CEO, Bass Paper & Packaging Ltd.
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