Sheridan’s 2017-18 Temporary Contemporary Artist, Couzyn van Heuvelen, presented in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Mississauga
Sheridan is pleased to announce, in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Mississauga (AGM), that Inuk sculptor Couzyn van Heuvelen was chosen to create the Temporary Contemporary installation for the 2017-18 academic year. Van Heuvelen’s selection followed a nation-wide request for proposals and a multi-stage adjudication process. His project, titled Nitsiit, will be installed in the Creativity Commons of Sheridan’s Hazel McCallion Campus in Mississauga from January 22 to April 27, 2018, with an ancillary exhibition at the AGM opening February 22, and running until April 15, 2018.
Launched in 2012, the Temporary Contemporary program is an annual installation of a new artwork on one of Sheridan’s campuses. It provides creators with the opportunity to incubate and implement new ideas through exchange with Sheridan’s vibrant interdisciplinary community.
Van Heuvelen’s project is an installation of large-scale fishing lure sculptures that reference traditional and historical Inuit production. The artist used a wide range of fabrication processes to incorporate aluminum, wood, ceramics, and other materials. “I was interested in exploring the rapid prototyping technologies at Sheridan, as using newer manufacturing processes to create work that references traditional Inuit technologies will allow these objects to be seen from a fresh, modern perspective,” says van Heuvelen.
The artist worked on-site at Sheridan’s Oakville campus over the Fall semester to develop the sculptures, which will be installed at the Hazel McCallion Campus in Mississauga for the Winter semester. A companion exhibition that explores van Heuvelen’s creative process will open in at the AGM on February 22 and run through April 15, 2018. In addition, the artist will host a workshop at the AGM and participate in a Lunch & Learn Event at Sheridan during the Winter semester (Dates TBA).
“We’re delighted to work with the Art Gallery of Mississauga to bring this innovative creator’s work to the heart of the city centre,” says Ronni Rosenberg, Dean of the Faculty of Animation, Art and Design. “This also provided our students with a unique opportunity to engage with Couzyn as he undertook the project, through observing and participating in the creation of component pieces.” “The Art Gallery of Mississauga is thrilled to collaborate with Sheridan in support of TempContemp,” says Mandy Salter, Director/Curator of the Art Gallery of Mississauga. “This vital and collaborative community engaged program connects the diverse creative practice of Couzyn van Heuvelen with Sheridan students working in various departments. This project positions a progressive and relational approach to arts education, and strongly advocates the importance of mentorship and community engagement while aligning strongly with both the missions and mandates of The Art Gallery of Mississauga and Sheridan.”
About the artist:
Couzyn van Heuvelen is a Canadian Inuk sculptor. Born in Iqaluit, Nunavut, but living in Southern Ontario for most of his life, his work explores Inuit culture and identity, new and old technologies, and personal narratives. While rooted in the history and traditions of Inuit art, the work strays from established Inuit art making methods and explores a range of fabrication processes. Couzyn holds a BFA from York University and an MFA from NSCAD University.
Pictured at top of page: One of the fishing lure sculptures featured in Nitsiit
Media Contact
Meagan Kashty
Manager, Communications and Public Relations