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Hailee Ingleton

Dr.  Hailee Ingleton


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences


Dr. Hailee Ingleton is currently a Professor of Creativity at Sheridan College. Her experience and interests centre around providing outlets and safe spaces for artistic expression, and discovering new opportunities where the arts can play a role in healing, development, problem solving, intergroup peaceful reconciliation and community building. 

With an academic background in Psychology, Dr. Ingleton has also taught Psychology courses including Social Psychology, Individual Differences, and Research Methods, with a particular interest in qualitative psychology and arts based research methods. 

Her previous research engages in expression through individual and collaborative arts and its’ effects on identity, wellbeing and conflict, and the facilitation of flow and group flow through various artistic media.

Teaching Interests

  • Creativity, Creative Problem Solving, Social Psychology, The arts in psychology, Group Dynamics, Individual Differences

Research Interests

  • Advancing knowledge and practice of collaborative arts in intergroup conflict, the role of arts in group dynamics, creativity and multiculturalism, advancing knowledge and practice of collaborative arts as a healing tool, advancing knowledge and practice of arts based research methods.
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